The Case of the Private Armed Brig of War, Gen. Armstrong : Containing Letters and Documents Referring to the History of the Claim Samuel C Reid
The Case of the Private Armed Brig of War, Gen. Armstrong : Containing Letters and Documents Referring to the History of the Claim

- Buy The Case of the Private Armed Brig of War Gen. Armstrong; Containing Letters and Documents Referring to the History of the Claim: Brief of The Case of the private armed brig of war Gen. Armstrong: containing letters Samuel Chester Reid, Philip Phillips, United States. Court of Claims. The Case of the Private Armed Brig of War Gen. Armstrong Containing Letters and Documents Referring to the History of the Claim Brief of Facts and Authorities General Armstrong was an American brig built for privateering in the Atlantic Ocean theater of She was armed with seven guns, including a 42-pounder Long Tom. However, the letter of marque Barton, of Liverpool, recaptured Lucy & Alida. The ensuing battle caused a lot of damage to the General Armstrong. It was pretended the British government, that in case of war, her enemy had no Certain indications of general notoriety may supply the place of authentic documents; But licensing private armed vessels, the whole naval force of the nation is in our last war with England, it was carried on privateers and private. Buy The Case of the Private Armed Brig of War Gen. Armstrong: Containing Letters and Documents Referring to the History of the Claim, Brief of The Case of the private armed brig of war Gen. Armstrong: containing letters Samuel Chester Reid, Philip Phillips, United States. Court of Claims The Battle of Fayal was an engagement fought in September 1814 during the war between the United States and the United Kingdom at the Portuguese colony of Fayal in the Azores. Three British warships and several boats filled with sailors and marines Captain Reid and the crew of General Armstrong were credited with helping

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